Veigel Basic


The Veigel Basic is a price conscious alternative to the Veigel Compact II.  The design is based upon the original Compact version I and does not utilize an additional pivot point for acceleration.  This simple reliable design provides makes for safe comfortable driving.   The Basic comes standard with a synthetic leather cover to help integrate the hand control with the vehicle interior as well as a comfortable soft grip knob.  The Basic is versatile as well, the soft grip can be easily changed to any of our orthotic steering devices allowing you to match the control to your level of strength and dexterity.

Product details

The Basic hand control is a lower cost alternative to the Compact II, but offers more configurations due to the interchangeable hand grip system.  This hand control comes standard with a Veigel steering knob as the main hand grip. This features makes the Basic an excellent choice if additional customization is needed to adapt the hand control to the user.